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MD Prescriptives
Elevating Health with Science-Backed Wellness Solutions

Industry Description
The nutritional supplement industry—particularly its niche in holistic health optimization—has experienced significant growth as consumers increasingly prioritize preventive care and overall wellness. Key aspects of this industry include: Evidence-Based Nutraceuticals, Holistic Lifestyle Integration, Quality & Transparency and Direct-to-Consumer & Provider Collaboration
Product Description
MD Prescriptives e-commerce product allows consumers to connect with providers in their region and receive high quality recommendations in the supplement industry. Providers receive generous discounts on their orders, while being structured as the seller of record for their patient sales. This is achieved via Stripe Connect, where each provider creates and connects their Stripe account for next-day payouts.
Platform Functionality
The following functionality is now used on a daily basis:
24/7 Monitoring
The MD Prescriptives platform is monitored on a 24/7 basis - any loss of service results in loss of sales, and we have implemented a robut set of controls to ensure uptime is maximized. While the team previously encountered difficulties with special events (such as Black Friday), we have now achieved 100% uptime for a continuous period of 12 months.
Buy and forget is the mantra in the supplement industry - consumers are incentivized to set up their subscriptions through growing discounts. Once the subscription is set, orders are automatically combined on the backend in order to create the smallest number of packages
Warehouse Integration
At this scale, automated shipping is a must. We integrated the platform with warehouse systems, centrally located in the United States, using the popular warehouse management system InfoPlus.
Running a business like this is all about crunching the numbers: most profitable products, least profitable products, intersection between providers and products - it's all crunched for the operations team in the backend.
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