
Email Notifications

Email notifications are a standard feature in any modern logistics software, but we take it to the next level. Your platform can provide read, click, and bounce receipts for every email you send, giving you real-time insights into your customer engagement.

With our email notification system, you can ensure that all stakeholders are informed about important updates and changes in real-time. Whether it's a new job offer, status update, or delivery confirmation, everyone will be in the know.

By providing email receipts, you can improve your communication with customers and transporters, and gain a competitive edge by demonstrating your commitment to transparency and accountability.

Development Cost
$2,400 - $4,000
Increases Revenue
Enhances customer satisfaction and improves communication
Operating Cost
Saves time and resources by streamlining communication processes
Note: The development cost is an estimation for an initial viable product. The cost will naturally change depending on the complexity of the solution.